FAQ for NFT Marketplace

Frequently asked questions

  1. What is an NFT

    An NFT (Non-Fungible Token) is a unique digital asset that represents ownership or proof of authenticity of a specific item, typically stored on a blockchain. Unlike cryptocurrencies, NFTs are indivisible and unique, making them perfect for digital art, collectibles, and other unique assets.

  2. What is a cryptocurrency

  3. What is a crypto Wallet?

  4. Which wallet works with FUN NFT?

  5. What are Blockchain Gas fee?

  6. How do I create an account on the FUN NFT?

  7. How to stay protected in web 3.0?

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Collectible NFT

  1. What are collectible NFTs?

    Collectible NFTs are unique digital items that can be collected, traded, and owned. They often represent digital art, trading cards, virtual goods, and other rare digital assets.

  2. How do I purchase a collectible NFT?

  3. Can I trade collectible NFTs with other users?

  4. What determines the value of a collectible NFT?

Rental NFT

  1. What are rental NFTs?

    Rental NFTs are digital assets that can be temporarily transferred to another user in exchange for a rental fee. These NFTs can include virtual land, game assets, or other digital items that can be used for a specific period.

  2. How do I rent an NFT?

  3. How does the rental period work?

  4. Can I sublease a rented NFT?

  5. What happens if the rented NFT is damaged or misused?

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Royalty NFT

  1. What are royalty NFTs?

    Royalty NFTs allow content creators to sell a share of their content revenues as NFTs. Buyers of royalty NFTs earn a percentage of the revenue generated by the content, such as music, videos, or other digital media for a specific period of time as detailed out in the terms of the NFT

  2. How do I buy a royalty NFT?

  3. How are royalties distributed to NFT holders?

  4. Can I sell my royalty NFT?

  5. What factors affect the revenue generated by a royalty NFT?

  6. Are there any risks associated with buying royalty NFTs?